Android 下 TCPDF 中英文缺字解決方法


(一般來說,目前最新版本只要使用內置的cid0ct font 基本上中文都正常顯示了)

而是部分 Android 系統,使用任何中文字型後,反而英文字缺字了

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TCPDF 中文字導致空白頁面解決方法 / TCPDF some Non-ASCII character causing writeHTML empty output

最近使用TCPDF 遇到 writeHTML / writeHTMLCell 整個變成空白的 Bug

經自行 Debug 後發現問題出於 getHtmlDomArray(),
部分 preg_replace 會錯誤把部分字元替代錯誤, 最後導致整個HTML Block無效

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CodeIgniter 3.0 KCFinder Integration Script

CodeIgniter sessions and PHP native session both works fine.
But not together.

Mixing CI sessions and native session in CodeIgniter always causing troubles.

Script outside CI cannot access CI Session, no even $_SESSION native session created inside CI script.

The real problem is KCFinder use $_SESSION to control various things (Include access control).
But it can’t access anything created by CI scripts.

So I can either make KCFinder read CI session or let CI use native session.

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